Thursday 14 October 2010

Keynote #1 What would Socrates say?

(250 delegates from all over the world)

New title: "There is nothing outside the cow"
Robert Rowland Smith
Philosophers view of our daily lives
Checkout books, podcasts.

It's a metaphorical cow. All about acquisition of knowledge.
Reads a Zen story, from 'Dropping Ashes on Buddha'
I love being read to :)

Meditation is about zoning in not zoning out
Difficult to be entirely in the moment.
But living in the present means you sacrifice past and future, imagination and remembering.

Assume - to know something is to know the truth, but can be wrong.

Plato - everything we know is corrupt, like cloud technology - somewhere up in the clouds is knowledge that we pull out and use/misuse

Another side of Plato - notion of lying
Ideal society of the republic. Splitting people to gold, silver and bronze - administrative but also false and crude. As soon as you catagorise you go away from reality, it is distorted eg: taxonomy.
But you do gain understanding. Plato called the 'Noble Lie'.
Enables you to access constituency eg: marketing
George W Bush - 'war on terror' was 'noble lie' - because created out of mess of tension post 9/11 created a simple story that makes sense of world
Also true for Cold War. Good vs bad.

Knowledge happens as result of reframing distortion that is useful.

Geography of knowledge - where you are geographically or within an organisation effects how you behave.

Constantly transferring knowledge laterally between each other (Freud)
How we know is as much suggested transferential.
Mutual brainwashing?
Difficult to be within 'belonging group' without following its ideals.
Confusing - make it simple - make it more complex again

Defining modernity - concept of relativism
Subjective rather than objective world
One way forward is collective subjectivity, working ethic that works for group
Communities of knowledge
Where overlap of frames of knowledge then have common understanding, eg 'in jokes'
Without overlap with others there is 'madness'. But can communities be 'cults'?
Has to be founding act of assertion - what believe is right and wrong

Taking responsibility for what we believe in.

Questions and comments
Can we alter distorted knowledge of those outside the information profession?
Leaps forward in knowledge come from random bits of information
Libraries 'facilitating chaos'
Brands - people tend to use same sites for information, they are creating the simplification. Makes us lazy, how do we become our own filters?

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad

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