Friday 15 October 2010

C102 monitoring and maximizing organizational impacts

This is the talk that I lost between draft and publishing online
Have now learnt to clipboard before posting!



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A204 Social and mobile

Karen Wallace, Sheffield libraries
Last 18 months, moved into social media to complement and add to library services
Helps both users and staff
Flickr for photos, for archives of local studies, new library initiatives, get loud in librariesq
Twitter with 900 followers, book of day and extra info, themed weeks
Using free clients. Webpages point users in direction of Twitter feed, and displays on libraries
Blogs - for book award and reading challenge, with online polls, comments
Delicious for reference and information bookmarks available to all
Facebook, trying for 18 months to get access, just gained access.
Netvibes used for staff communication and pulling together info
Working with Credo reference - customising searching, remembering searches between databases and catalogue
Quidget chat online, general questions and themed

Nancy Dowd, New Jersey State library
Is social marketing right for your organisation?
Mobile, texting, reaches most people
Libraries will save people time
For ordinary mobile phones
Short code - dial a code, then keyword
Can be interactive two-way

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad, this is my last post, have to get to the airport!

A203 Social research

Karen Blakeman, RBA info services

Social research, search engines now incorporating social media
Where people hang out, share info and ask questions
Reminder to check copyright :)
Compfight - interface for cc images on flickr public domain high res, small
Always double check licence
Identify where your network is
Issues of trust and reliability
Promotion of products, what are 'customers' saying about you?
Google results for issues, first news, then latest results from social media
Wikipedia now being moved further down.
Fewer webpages at start of results
If signed into google account, then have 'social' network option including results from google chat, mentioned in tweets, contacts contacts.
Take look at what info google knows about you
Realtime search is current but could be skewed view, from limited networks
Get involved in networks that are relevant to you
Search tools for social networks
Guardian data blog - mash data and make available for use
Guardian datastore on flickr
Be careful to check where info comes from
Create a local geek group - like ISA titter! But could also be in pub/cafe/library

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad, battery is holding up ok, have been careful with wireless

A202 what Phil has found

Looks for stuff and tells people about it

Look at material as creator.
Stuff blocked because you want to consume or create?
All free stuff
How does Phil keep us to date? Rss feeds - netvibes
Uses Delicious to find web 2.0 stuff
Icerocket social media search engine, nice rss feed
Also google reader
Always need to adapt and change to what is new, open mind to what is best for you at any time
Email, for contacting people and sharing stuff with
Linked in esp useful for groups and discussions
Specific blogs and websites,
'Voices for the library' promoting need for professional librarians, uk, includes Twitter, delicious, rss, facebook, flickr
specific forums
New professionals network
Twitter, using lists - formulists tool, for finding people and what they are saying
Facebook becoming more professional, esp groups
Books and magazines (pref on iPad)
Spends 2/3 days a week looking for stuff

Some stuff he has found recently
Netvibes - using as consumer (seeing what other people are saying) but also as creator. Widget which checks your email for you outs whole load of resources together can personalize just a screen of key things more flexible and visual different widgets can move around
Webwag similar looks really nice

Questions and answers resources
Answergarden electronic bulletin board post its with voting trails through webpages lists of urls in one place resources
Jogtheweb choose resources, define resources in boxes

Checking in sites also mabzy for checking into webpages for tv

Word cloud generators
Favourite is shapes, Inc own images, also Microsoft silverlight

Screencasting does entire screen, not just in browser
Bbfkahsbackexpress includes webcam

File formats
Eg zamzar, media convert
Embedit saves YouTube

Phil likes brizzley, also tweetdeck and journotwit done by Phil

Online calling cards all resources in one page looks for 'you' online

Website availability

Social news creators please don't post in Twitter
Flipboard very powerful

Chatrooms with video

Misc how long to crack passwords with master passwords
Urlvoid to check if website is bad choose what to print on page online conference pretty pictures

More on phils typepad or

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C201 Taking the library to the learner

Hannah Whaley, Uni of Dundee
Search has defined the Internet
Model the challenge, perspective between learners, systems and the library
Accuracy, easy, supportable

Digital natives have high expectations of what they can do online
Moving from federated search to indexed offsite, which is much faster

From librarians point of view, challenges - complexity of e resources, accuracy of info literacy, connection with students
Went with summon from Serials solutions, main search system, very clear search box and choices on left. Search box also on other pages of uni website. Also mobile version
Did study comparing open web to library system, better quality and more academic.
Faceted search more common from providers.
Balance gives great info literacy learning.

Dave Pattern, uni for huddersfield, @daveyp
Federated search too slow, google scholar more liked
Created wish list for ideal searching
One search box, fast results, simple, easy to maintain
Invited suppliers, chose Summon
Easy to implement. Records out of LMS, problems with deletions, didn't move all data, shows up crappy cataloguing (!?)
Now have 60 million records
Users say very easy to use. feedback v positive.
Accessing totality of content

Rurik Thomas Greenall, NTNU Library
Responding to challenges, created projects
Most students wont use databases after they graduate, but will use google
Library can fill the gaps
Linked data
Sorry this was so techie I only understood one word in ten :)

Concentrate on what are needs of users, not what is shiny and new

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Keynote #2 Getting real about social media

Hazel Hall Edinburgh Napier Uni
@hazelh and @lisresearch

Not what aren't we going to do but what are we going to do
Social media tools are part of real life not alternative (Shirky)
Social media are aggregators of people not data alone, experiences and lives
Information plus people

Social media provide additional platforms for traditional info delivery
Examples of sophisticated personal professional applications of social media demonstrate potential for further innovation
How we conceive relationships - tools info prof and end users determine provision

Tfpl report - opportunity and risk in social computing environments

Was Eramus last human to actually 'know everything'

Wikipedia not just encyclopaedia it also handles breaking news

Characteristics of social media
Function extend beyond initial conniption
Function is in the eye of the beholder
Social is a misnomer
Consider potential

Certain communities moving away from listservs/email and onto Twitter etc

Meeting people on twitter.
Using tools, eg tweetdeck and lists
Communication and knowledge sharing

Social media for library service delivery
Examples ~
Marketing and PR
Info discovery eg Delicious
Virtual reference (chat)
News and current awareness

Sometimes at level of whole institution
Librarians often get into social media sooner than others in the institution
But where is user participation (rather than consumption)
Eg: Geek the Library on facebook

Need to develop our users as well as ourselves.
Understanding users needs but then also getting them to join in

Coordinated conventional but also irregular practice and small network cells
Mobile phones and wireless access in library
Needs to be useful and also for sharing
Need to also follow end users in order to engage with them, understand their needs better

Foursquare - tour of library, hints and tips for students

Risks of social networking - worst is not making most of it

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad, liking it but I'm a pc at heart.

Thursday 14 October 2010

C105 Mashing Libraries to build communities

This one's for @ghostchicken
Practical side to tying together technologies
Make the user community more in content, with partners outside the norm
Library system as repository, physical and electronic material

Mashing Libraries - O Stephens (Consultant and OU)
Mashup stems from music, for libraries means combining (digital) forms of information
Look for 'Scary Mary Poppins' YouTube
Mashing information
Much Info has geographic facet
Early Eg: taking info from google maps and craigslist, not affiliated to either
National mapping agencies making more data public, eg uk ordnance survey. provide catalogue of info and more raw data
Suitable format and licensing are key to being able to re-use
Eg, local authority Warwickshire libraries new releases, ran competition for developers to build apps - one was taking 'new books' given creative commons licence, given digital look, tie into amazon and google preview. Provides extra info to users.
Another example was young people creating Facebook for library, aimed at other young people
How to Mash, putting Warwickshire Libraries on the Map
yahoo pipes - worksheet for piping data in certain way
Taking XML and re-presenting data in different ways
Used in Warwickshire to create map of libraries

Need to attend a Mashup event!
See and wiki

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C104 digital services meet customer satisfaction

David McMenemy and Steven Buchanan
Uni of Strathclyde
Emergence of digital services in Scottish public library websites
Issues of terminology and usability
Moving a way from 'digital leaflets', growing in an unplanned way
Part of parent authority, have to be within that structure
Usage up but satisfaction is down.
Aimed at everybody, so need to be obvious not confusing!
More than 10 options on a website tends to be confusing
Ambiguity in terms used, also a large number of brands used = confusion
32 different words defining reference enquiry services
Diff between content provider and access provider
Access provision - databases and website recommendations, ESP referene services
Content esp for childrens and genealogy
Much more access than content provision
Access to digital libraries essential to social and economic mobility
Public libraries not keeping up as fast as academic
Importance of collaborative working with specialists

Btw look @ book swap website

Arno Janssen FrieslandCampina
Customer satisfaction and digital services
Importance of people getting to know Info service as 'real people'
Shift from just books to multiple services, inc sharepoint
new website more interactive, collaborative calendar of what conferences people are attending
Digital expertise directory of people in company

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad, where I'm wondering why can't I send a Facebook message or reply on my webmail? My typing is better than I thought it would be though!

B103 discovery dissemination and outreach

Esben Fjord, Gladsaxe public libraries in Denmark
Experimenting with new forms of digital forms in physical space
Reasons - bringing electronic resources into physical space where users are, exposure of resources in context, take advantage of librarians competences, beta culture and fun.

Experiment that will become part if service
4 digital platforms:
Digital signage
Music chair (sonic)
Drawing machine
Interactive floor (the cube)

Screens controlled with digital signage system via web
Factual Info, reviews, recommendations, events
10 editors, each responsible for 1 or more screens
For the future want screens to be interactive
Data from users, competitions, surveys
Exposing electronic resources

Drawing machine
Touchscreen interface, can print
Outlines from national web portal
Future - support events, upgrade software
Children love it.

Music chair (same as DOK)
built in speakers, interactive.
Librarians playlist recommendations
Content from Youtube and Grooveshark
Future - user created playlists and recommendations, special event playlists
Content from national streaming service, better interfaces, other kinds of media

Interactive floor
Play and gaming, textexpo, supporting special events, fun,
Future - better interface, library specific presentations, expose electronic resources

Text display - books with display of words on screens
Copyright and drm are problem. Competances and organisations.

Rob Haran
Marketing and outreach of Shire info services
Things need to be simple and linked together
Can't say fairer than that really

Amazed again at variety of library/info workplaces
Need to have ponder about library presence in school, esp homerooms

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A101 Future success must be earned

Barbara Wigell-Ryyanen, Finnish Ministry for Culture and education.

PowerPoint slides read aloud, will post a link.

See also

- Posted using BlogPress from an ISA iPad, it is pretty much a giant iPhone without phone capability.

Keynote #1 What would Socrates say?

(250 delegates from all over the world)

New title: "There is nothing outside the cow"
Robert Rowland Smith
Philosophers view of our daily lives
Checkout books, podcasts.

It's a metaphorical cow. All about acquisition of knowledge.
Reads a Zen story, from 'Dropping Ashes on Buddha'
I love being read to :)

Meditation is about zoning in not zoning out
Difficult to be entirely in the moment.
But living in the present means you sacrifice past and future, imagination and remembering.

Assume - to know something is to know the truth, but can be wrong.

Plato - everything we know is corrupt, like cloud technology - somewhere up in the clouds is knowledge that we pull out and use/misuse

Another side of Plato - notion of lying
Ideal society of the republic. Splitting people to gold, silver and bronze - administrative but also false and crude. As soon as you catagorise you go away from reality, it is distorted eg: taxonomy.
But you do gain understanding. Plato called the 'Noble Lie'.
Enables you to access constituency eg: marketing
George W Bush - 'war on terror' was 'noble lie' - because created out of mess of tension post 9/11 created a simple story that makes sense of world
Also true for Cold War. Good vs bad.

Knowledge happens as result of reframing distortion that is useful.

Geography of knowledge - where you are geographically or within an organisation effects how you behave.

Constantly transferring knowledge laterally between each other (Freud)
How we know is as much suggested transferential.
Mutual brainwashing?
Difficult to be within 'belonging group' without following its ideals.
Confusing - make it simple - make it more complex again

Defining modernity - concept of relativism
Subjective rather than objective world
One way forward is collective subjectivity, working ethic that works for group
Communities of knowledge
Where overlap of frames of knowledge then have common understanding, eg 'in jokes'
Without overlap with others there is 'madness'. But can communities be 'cults'?
Has to be founding act of assertion - what believe is right and wrong

Taking responsibility for what we believe in.

Questions and comments
Can we alter distorted knowledge of those outside the information profession?
Leaps forward in knowledge come from random bits of information
Libraries 'facilitating chaos'
Brands - people tend to use same sites for information, they are creating the simplification. Makes us lazy, how do we become our own filters?

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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Websearch seminar

Websearch seminar
Marydee Ojala, editor Online magazine, #ili2010

We introduce ourselves, such variety in what librarians and information professionals do, different organizations with all sorts different clients (medical/business/education/ngos).

New things in websearch
constant change, literally on daily basis

Alternative main Ask, Exalead, AOL

All search engines rollout first in US, eg google instant not worldwide yet
Google instant actually slower for people that don't touchtype
Also new on google, the lefthand facets automatic - gives you options for focusing your search results
Wonderwheel - visualises related search terms
Google instant only displays 10 results at a time
New from google - public data explorer - extended from US government, will be increasingly useful.
Concerns over privacy. Google (only) knows anything you've told them, plus your location. Look at your dashboard of google if you're concerned.
Google's caffeine - speed, freshness, algorithmic improvements

Putting a search into database v different to a websearch - they are literal, they don't suggest what they think you mean.
Universal search - all types of info

Bing - powers yahoo (not in all countries)
yahoo started as a directory, but now don't want to be in search business.
Bing - new photo everyday, applications for maps, updates every 6 months, last focussed on commerce, automotive, finance and entertainment.
Instant snippet, context of search terms

Semantic search - automatically disambiguates words. Eg if you are searching from a medical library it would look for medical terms.

Most people start with very general term and then narrow it down.
One word searches usually come up with wikipedia.

Bing now working with wolfram alpha to put as search results.
Also travel predictions, based on ITA software (which google wants to buy)

Yahoo sells it's own ads, even though powered by Bing, based on own database so may get different results.
Eg: blind search http://blind - great teaching tool as search engines not revealed until after 'vote'. Filters out all the ads.
Also for comparison - google, bing, yahoo, twitter also comparison

Ask - has gone back to original 'ask and answer' searchable database

Exalead - just bought by Systems Dassault, not sure of future. includes proximity search (NEAR).

AOL now owns Truveo multimedia search engines, Thing labs (brizzly) , techcrunch, and 5minmedia. What's next

New engines
Blekko - slash the web - limit your search to types of information - biasing your results eg: climate change /science
Semantifi - semantic search, open apps

Power searching.
Trend towards personalization and customisation aimed at individual searchers not library mode, or even for students researching for different classes. Searches change between days and for different people.
Fuzzy or squishy Boolean

On google, fourth word often actually increases number of hits, especially if generic/common word.
Most search engines assume AND - narrowing down searching
Only 2-3% of users use advanced search (though most librarians do)

Google advanced search
Exact phrase, or, not, file type, date, licence - produces much better
Can use syntax to expand search further if examples not available in drop down menu eg: filetype:pptx

In Bing have to do search first, then advanced

Multiple databases from search engines
Only 2 have fully nested boolean Exalead and Gigablast
Filetype searches. Site search.
Language options on google interface include pirate and Swedish chef (Bork Bork Bork)

Cache searching - what the site looked like when the search engine found it originally. Not always accurate as search term may actually be in linked page.
Exact phrase "termA termB"
force term with +
changing word order changes search results
Change your search engine for different results
Truncation doesn't work on search engines, but does in databases

Search engines specific to geographic region (bing/google options) lists, up to date

News search engines
Yahoo better than google on news at moment - comprehensive, flag country of source - video approach radio free europe radio liberty, Prague - different approach to news, different audience focus

Image databases
Google images more sophisticated - size, similar, image swirl
Bing images include similar
Both have facets options
Yahoo fewer features but does include flickr

Alternative images search engines semantic search, academic project Inc video colour search

Audio files
Subs services, Factiva and HW Wilson are adding text to speech,,, Search metadata searches audio

Vimeo - eg TWIL
Impact of HTML - will make video making easier, dramatic increase Internet archive for newsreels

Realtime/social search
Twitter 1 billion queries per day
Specific search engines - oneriot, scoopler, collecta, crowdeye, topsy
Addictomatic real time news feeds searches facebook, myspace, Twitter etc has filters for time, location, conversation. Timeline, urls, images. Email alerts track conversations.
Bing only Inc Twitter and facebook, up to a week
Yahoo searches only Twitter

Twitter archives only 30 days or less archive Twitter alerts
Twitter advanced search includes attitudes :) and :( though doesn't understand sarcasm or irony
also dates, links and location

Facebook search not great, but can use google search ''

Linkedin more professional
Look at answers and groups to find people, also who knows who
Research companies.

Subject specific site, including
World bank - all info all free
Intute and infomine for scholarly info

Searching is getting more localized, more personal
Focus is on consumers
Influence of search engine optimisation will shape the future

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